Budget Process

Budget Overview

The process of crafting the state’s budget spans two years. During the first year, state agencies, the Governor, and the Legislature collaborate to produce a budget. Once adopted by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor, the budget is enacted and operational for the entire second year.

The new budget’s enactment date is July 1, the start of Oklahoma’s fiscal year. This date marks the beginning of the budget’s operational period, which lasts until the end of the fiscal year, June 30. While one budget is operational, the planning for the upcoming year’s budget is ongoing.

FY 2025 Education Appropriations

For fiscal year 2025, the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s budget is $3.86 billion, which is 30.9% of the state’s total budget. The education appropriations include: 

  • $26.3 million increase in state aid
  • $2.65 million for paid student teaching
  • $4.8 million for maternity leave
  • $31.6 million increase for career tech

Fiscal year 2025 started July 1, 2024 and lasts until June 30, 2025.

Total State Spending

Education Budget Timeline

Budget Preparations

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) begins preparing its agency budget proposal.


OSDE Submits Agency Budget

The OSDE's gains board approval of its internal budget and submits the proposal to the Office of Management and Enterprise (OMES) for review. ​​


OMES Reviews & Evaluates

OMES considers OSDE's budget proposal and the budget proposals from all other state agencies and advises the Governor on budgetary concerns.


Board of Equalization

The Board of Equalization meets and estimates the state's total revenue for the upcoming fiscal year.


Governor's Executive Budget

After consulting with OMES and the Board of Equalization, the Governor finalizes his executive budget and presents it to the Legislature, ususally during the annual State of the State Address.​​


The Legislature's Budget

The Oklahoma Legislature convenes in February and considers budgetary recommendations from state agencies, the Governor, and the public throughout the legislative session.​​


Final Negotiations

As May arrives and the Oklahoma Legislative Session nears its end, final budget negotiations between legislative leaders and the Governor intensify.


The Vote

Ultimately, the Legislature must vote to pass the budget. Once the Legislature adopts the budget, it heads to the Governor's desk for final signature. 


Final Signature

The Governor has the authority to sign or veto the Legislature's budget. If the Governor signs, the budget is complete; if the Governor vetoes, it must return to the Legislature for further consideration.

step 9MAY-JUNE

The Enacted Budget

The new budget becomes operational at the start of the fiscal year, July 1, and remains operational until the end of the fiscal year, June 30.