How to Connect

Connecting is Easy

There are many ways to connect and help make a difference for Oklahoma students and teachers, and you don’t have to be a POE member to do so!

Just sign up for our legislative alerts to join POE’s advocacy coalition. You will receive weekly updates during Oklahoma’s legislative session and occasional action alerts on the most pressing education issues.

Far more than just staying up-to-date, you will have the opportunity to contact your representative and senator directly on crucial education matters. Each action alert extends an invitation to contact your local lawmaker to voice your opinion. Together, we can drive positive change for Oklahoma students and educators.

It’s really that easy.

Text "OklaEd" to 50457 to Connect!

Already a POE Member?

If you are a POE member, you get even more! In addition to receiving updates, action alerts, and insightful articles, you have the opportunity to make your voice heard through our legislative surveys.

These surveys play a crucial role in shaping our lobbying efforts at the Capitol. During the legislative session, we gather your insights on key education topics, and we ensure that the results are communicated directly to lawmakers. Your voice matters, and we’re committed to making sure it’s heard and understood.

Be sure to opt-in to POE member emails to receive our legislative surveys. 


Interested in Becoming a Member?

Joining is a breeze! Simply tap the button below to discover the full range of services and benefits available to our members.