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Education-Centered Advocacy

Professional Oklahoma Educators (POE) is dedicated to improving K-12 education in Oklahoma. Our government affairs team advocates exclusively on educational issues, driving positive change for Oklahoma students and educators.

Nonprofit, Nonpartisan, Pro Education

Prioritizing Students

Like all educators, the well-being and academic success of students is our top priority. We believe empowering educators, fostering parental partnerships, and strengthening community support networks are vital for student success.

Advocacy that Listens

POE members actively engage in the legislative process via member surveys, roundtable discussions, and action alerts. Empowering educators to share their firsthand experiences with elected officials is critical to crafting sound policy.

No Political Donations

POE does not endorse or financially support any political candidate. By focusing solely on the issues, we are able to operate in a bipartisan manner, placing policy above politics.

Meaningful Engagement, Thoughtful Policy

The Government Affairs Team at Professional Oklahoma Educators exists to serve the students and educators of Oklahoma. Our advocacy is shaped by the professional interests of our members, guidance from the POE Board, and our core values: (I) prioritizing the well-being and success of students, (II) empowering educators as professionals, (III) and engaging in meaningful, solution-oriented dialogue with all stakeholders.

By focusing exclusively on K-12 educational issues, we are uniquely positioned to represent our members on job-related matters, work in a bipartisan manner, and build broad coalitions to tackle critical challenges.

Addressing complex policy issues can be daunting, but forging lasting partnerships, facilitating thoughtful dialogue, and ensuring POE members have a seat at the table are essential for success.

Daniel M Tinney

Government Affairs Director 

Capitol News & Policy Updates

Read the latest on education legislation impacting Oklahoma—just tap a cover photo to get started! 

Stay Connected with Action Alerts

Text “OklaEd” to 50457 to stay up-to-date on Oklahoma’s most pressing legislatives matters. Receive weekly updates and occasional action alerts during Oklahoma’s Legislative Session, which spans from February to May.

For more information on how to stay engaged, tap “Let’s Connect!”

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